4D Sports Driving

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Replay Analyser (RA)

This brand new tool by Robert Riebisch evaluates your replay files from Broderbund's Stunts or Mindscape's 4D Sports Driving. It displays a statistic about your keypresses during a race, e.g. accelerate, brake, steer left, steer right, ... So you can draw your conclusions about the driving style from these figures. Download version 1.01 now!


RPLINFO is a little tool that I have created during my 4D/Stunts contest. It makes dealing with replay files a lot easier as it allows you to view their siginificant data without starting the game.


DOS version 1.25:


16bit version 1.1: New! 

Detects the new Contest Car 0.9!

32bit version 1.2: New! 

Detects the new Contest Car 0.9!

Java 1.1.x  (very experimental, not really useful):


This section provides you with some interesting replays. Most of them show strange incidents that sometimes occur in 4D Sports Driving. If you have any cool replays yourself send them my way! Here's a zip file containing them all.

Name Track Description Driver
Expert SKIDS Nothing special happens in this replay. I just thought it was a good drive. Lukas Löhrer
Hop Over Over Chris jumps with the Indy from a loop directly onto elevated track. Download the track and try it yourself; it's not that difficult. Christian Sigg
Round_N Andi Chris enters a infinite loop. Christian Sigg
Go Home Carkill A rocket bounce with the Indy Unkown
Hoop Kunst Another rocket bounce, even better than 'Go Home'. Jonas Luell
Weit Big Jump That's me demostrating the purpose of the track Big Jump. Lukas Löhrer
Spin N/A An extraordinaryly artistic piece of driving. Watch Daniel perform a +360° spin on a bridge. Daniel Hoelzenbein
Cork N/A This one is for all of you out there who are really sick of those cork screw up/down ramps. Daniel Hoelzenbein
Coolrpls N/A Six cool replays. They involve hanging vertically in a tunner, driving upside down and bouncing of the crashed opponent. Semprini Cochano and Scultey Scultez
The best of superman N/A "I drive normally around the track, then I enter a tunnel, fly off the side, bounce off the track and shoot up in the air like 50000 feet, it takes like a min to go up and to go down (hahaha). All this time, the car is exploding everywhere!" Alan Dalicandro
Too funny N/A "The Raining Car Crash - Best viewed from the Rival car's 1st person. Note: You must playback from the beginning without fastforwarding, otherwise the glitch that makes the funny thing happen might not occur. Made in Borderbund version 1.0." Gemini

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